Earmolds Overview

How Are Custom Earmolds Used?

Custom earmolds are made from impressions of your ear canal and concha (the outer bowl-shaped portion of your ear). They adhere perfectly to the contours of your ears, providing a superior fit and protection. Custom molds aren’t just made for earplugs; they can be used in a variety of products including headphones, stethoscopes and earpieces. Doctors, nurses, pilots, news reporters, musicians, swimmers, racecar drivers, hunters, concertgoers and construction workers are just some of the individuals who can benefit from custom molds.

Types of Earmolds

It has long been acknowledged that noise induced hearing loss can be prevented by wearing earplugs. While there are plenty of good choices available off the shelf, because everyone’s ears are unique the best protection will come from those crafted from custom earmolds. We offer the following types of custom earmolds:
  • Standard Hearing Protection
  • Musician’s Plugs
  • Digital Hearing Protection
  • Hunter’s Hearing Protection
  • Sleep Plugs
  • Swim Plugs
  • Custom Earpieces for Headphones
  • Personal Listening Devices, Including Ear Monitors
Call Virginia Hearing Center at (804) 288-3277 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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